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Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Whoever would have guessed that starting up a blog would feel daunting to some people? I certainly did not expect myself to be among that group, but I am most certainly feeling some apprehension now. I think the nervousness more stems from the fact that I have never been interested in creating a blog before, and now I am required to by my FA 245: Arts & Technology class. I have this fear that I will not be diligent in updating frequently because I do not find myself to be much an interesting person. Alas, only time will truly tell.

Hello to those that are reading from the class, by the way!

So I guess a short introduction is in order. I am Vanessa Hood, a second year student at the University of Victoria. I am majoring in Writing, though my recent fascination with programming may cause me to switch to Computer Science. At the end of the semester, we'll see which path I end up taking. I was born in Maryland and that makes me a natural American citizen, but I acquired my Canadian citizenship in October 2011. It feels fantastic to have a dual nationality, and I feel honoured to be an official Canadian in this beautiful land. Before ending up in Victoria, I had a five year stint in Nova Scotia where I graduated from High School. I absolutely love the Maritimes, and definitely feel a connection to there; I always find myself traveling in that direction for the summer.

She Who Wanderlusts is a random title that sort of came to me as a spur of the moment thing as this site prompted me for a name; I decided to go with wanderlust because I do have a strong desire to travel and I never can seem to settle in one place for too long. Nova Scotia was my record with five years; it will be most interesting indeed if I ever do find a place to settle down for longer than that.

I apologize in advance if this blog turns into an advertisement for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Red Rogues, and/or my Game Strategy & Design projects. I will try to be slightly more diverse than that, though it would be a most funny and appropriate 'artistic autobiography' if it did turn out to be only those exact things. Those are, after all, the only things I'm majorly invested in at the moment.

I hope everyone in Victoria enjoyed the snowstorm that we had today - very much a rarity here! The rest of the country may call the Islanders and Vancouverites whiners for complaining about the snow and temperature, but they don't seem to understand that this essentially never happens here. That means that most drivers do not have snow tires... that makes it a lot more dangerous and concerning. Every school in Victoria, including Camosun College, closed today. Except for UVic, of course. That's Murphy's Law, right there.

But yes, welcome to this blog space. We'll see how it progresses over the course of the next few months. :)

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