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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Reading Break

Is not so much a break, but more an excuse to do MORE work. Somehow, the week that most people use to go on vacation I have managed to get myself neck deep in work. Mind you it is mostly self-inflicted, as most of it is either not due until the end of next week or even further along in March, but... still.

I think the worst problem I'm having right now is that 4/6 of the members of my Game Strat & Design group have been entirely unresponsive and unhelpful for near the last two weeks, and with the game being due next week, I've been left to do all the art design for it (units, maps, interface, character portraits) and the music. This one project alone is consuming all of my time, and that's not even paying attention to the reading I need to do for English or the papers I have to write!

I'm mighty unlucky when it comes to group members... so I pray that we (the awesome FA 245 group) can get it together without too much hassle. Please. That would be great. 

Well, heading off to bed so that I can wake up nice and early and start tackling more homework... Night all. 

PS: To leave you with something creative I've done, I tried to whip up a theme for Under Siege - for the title screen, at least. I've never done anything musical, so try not to laugh too much! I'm happy with how it turned out. Nice, simple 1 minute loop. :)

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear that you are having problems with your group. :(

    I hope things work out and such.

    Music sounds pretty good.
