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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Learning Experience

*Warning: Slight rant ahead*

As the title suggests, I have been in a situation that has been quite a learning experience for me. I have had to participate in many group projects before, but this one has easily been the most trying and testing of my patience. I've ranted or suggested the nature of this Under Siege project before, but truly the last two weeks have left the biggest salty impression yet. Four out of the six group members remained completely uncooperative, refusing or ignoring my emails (which detailed exactly what they should be doing to contribute to the project). I've never been in the leadership role of a large group before, but I had the most unreliable collaborators to work with ever. I fired off an email to the professor and TA about the situation, and they responded by sending an email to those four to see him (the prof) in his office. They did not attend this prompting, which only serves to solidify my case on their relative uselessness - though today in tutorial they were obviously nervous about their position, because they were all ears and eager to get assigned to do something from me. They were still being wimpy despite my assigning them the easiest tasks left available (since my programmer and I had done mostly everything else by this point), but we'll see where it goes.

We have a presentation tomorrow that I have also done all the work for, and since I'm the only one who really knows what it's all about... Of course that means I will do all the speaking, too. .____.

Here's some of what I'll be presenting on (yay for screenshots!):

Everything made and designed by me, for better or for worse. :p

1 comment:

  1. I see ponies! Well, not mlp ponies.

    Looks great so far. I want to play it.
