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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Birthday Presents

I think it's become an annual tradition for me to buy a birthday present for myself a couple of days before the actual day (which is on the 10th, for clarification). On September 8th, to be exact! Last year, inspired by some impulse and a barren dresser, I ended up purchasing a 24" Dynex Television for my second year in university. To "prep myself for Skyward Sword in November" was my excuse at the time, and for Skyward Sword it was used most often for sure! I distinctly recall finishing my homework days in advance before the release of the game so that I could enjoy it uninterrupted. That November was one of my most relaxed months despite the typical "November Landslide" that comes with being in a post-secondary institution.

Oh sweetums you so fly <3
This time around, after around a year of swimming in them, I decided it was time to invest in a new pair of jeans. Whereas last year was more a splurge and an unnecessary (though soul satisfying) purchase, this year was a bit essential as I had long downsized in stature and having ridiculously baggy jeans just wasn't cutting it any more. It's a $50 investment that should last as long as I don't lose or gain too much weight!

Hey there sexy... Come here often?
I am not the most photogenic of people; never quite knowing what to do with my face in those awkward "TAKE MY PICTURE" moments. I just really wanted to show off my jeans. 8x32, awww baby! I can fit in 7s depending on the brand, so I'm content. I don't need to weigh more or less; I'm pretty much where I'm should be right now! Happy camper.

Enjoy the intimacy of my face in TIRED MODE
You may have noticed that down in the (this is jokingly titled but we're totally going for it anyway) "Currently Playing" corner (the bottom left of the second picture) that a box of Xenoblade Chronicles is being displayed there. That is a very thoughtful and nice gift from my friend Mat, hailing from Victoria! I haven't got very far in the game yet, but I've enjoyed what I've played so far, and looking forward to playing more. I'll be sure to write an entry on my thoughts concerning my experience with it; commenting on what was done right and perhaps what wasn't in detail.

The other main short obsession I've had in terms of pop culture recently is entirely the fault of my friend Bethley, who did not need to make much effort to coerce me into watching the first few episodes of Young Justice with her. I've always been a fan of animated superhero cartoons (primarily Teen Titans, back in the day), so consider me hooked. Almost done the first season already, and I just started!

Last news to report of the day is that today was the mass-handing out of resumes that I alluded to in my previous entry. From EB Games and Chapters to Dollarama and Hallmark, no one was spared from my resume spree! Well, except for fast-food restaurant chains, which I have opted to wait in applying for to allow some chance to hear back from another business first. I have nothing against fast-food companies (in fact, I absolutely loved working at the McDonald's in Victoria), but I do wish to expand my horizons and my repertoire a bit. I will take any employment that comes my way, though! Not too picky; any job is a good job in my eyes, and it is what you make of the place you work at that defines the experience that you have with it. 

Of course I will update this blog with how the job hunt is going, but for now, it's time for some food and Xenoblade Chronicles, I think!

Have a great evening/night!


  1. Nice pants and yay for playing a new game! Don't like Young Justice.

  2. I love Young Justice, glad to see you are enjoying it as well. Also it is good to see things are going very well for you LadyHood! Keep up the job hunting, it will be worth it in the end. We have to talk again sometime, it has really been too long :)

  3. Happy Birthday Eve :)

    and you look super duper! congratulations xx

    If retail doesn't respond, think about Montana's, Inn, Eastide Marios etc.....for waitressing -- you'd get really good tips, and as you've discovered, you're really good with PR and customers!
