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Wednesday, August 29, 2012


After several months hiatus and not really knowing what to do with this blog after the spring semester was over (as this blog was created as part of a requirement with my FA 245: Arts and Technology I class), the time has come for a much needed reboot!

As a new phase of my life begins, I have decided that I will virtually document my adventures and experiences here on this blog, not only to let my friends and family know what I'm up to on occasion, but as a slightly personal journal of sorts that I can later look back on and marvel at what I may have been up to at any particular moment. Based on my enthusiasm and interest in reading my former entries for class, I can see this being a rewarding idea.

Entries will not ever be specifically themed, but more based on anything that seems important or is on my mind at the time of writing them. Undoubtedly there will be Red Rogues entries, as that is a predominant aspect of my life right now, but there will also be life snippets and other varied interests to share. We'll all find out what those things are when the time comes!

The last few hours have been spent learning how to customize this blogspot page. Backgrounds that are not a preset template require additional CSS code in order to work, and let's just say that I'm not entirely proficient in the language of programming (even for simple lines) and Blogger isn't exactly 100% newbie friendly with its layout. Oh well, got there eventually! It's not the most aesthetically pleasing I could have done (admittedly it's a bit rushed, as I wanted to get something up here without being too nit-picky on the quality), so there may be some changes in the near future in regards to color (what I have at the moment is... erm, unique haha) and certain aspects of the banner (Chibiterasu seems a bit too sharp, maybe that's just me).

Random exciting news moment: my buddy Skye is starting up her own blog! You can view it here at In the future, when I can figure out code a little better, I plan on adding an affiliate button to my page that will directly link to her blog. I really like the name 'The Fictitious Scribber' - very appropriate with what she plans to do with it, from what I've heard! Looking forward to reading some entries!

Not going to ramble too much with this entry, just wanted to oil the machine and get those gears moving, if you know what I mean.

For now, I'm going to leave you all with what I have been listening to for this past little while - I have always adored the Lord of the Rings soundtrack, and someone has seen fit to upload the entire trilogy's music on Youtube for our enjoyment! I've certainly been reminiscing about key scenes and at the same time the music causes my imagination to go wild. You really can't go wrong with the fantasy genre... especially not when it is accompanied with such an epic orchestra.


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