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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Embarking on Adventure

I don't know why I wrote this in... uh, 'free verse'. It's awful, unedited, and the result of a mind that's been up for 24 hours. Lord help us all. Tells the story of the past 24 hours loosely, if you can get over the presentation of it... :p


T'was the longest day of the summer, one of which has not yet ended;
a tale of two weary travellers set to unfold anew.
Their final day on the reputable Vancouver Island came
after a night of little rest and much stress
and final preparations were made for the journey
in the wee hours of the morning.
Cleaning and polishing and sprucing
were done to prepare for a showing with the landlords,
which by all accounts went well and
the stress rendered completely unnecessary.

They rode the Majestic downtown and immersed
in the crowds of a busy bee Victoria,
buzzing with the knowledge of the pending long weekend.
A miracle burger and sub cured their unease and, satisfied,
made their way back home.

They hung with their friends,
true British Columbians in nature;
Sophia, the amazing  fashionable roommate
Mat, the man with a heart of gold.
They idly conversed while surfing the net and
watched a rather bizarre episode of Dr. Phil.
Soon, it was time to say farewell
and sadly, they bade it to Sophia then, who was scheduled to work that day.
The time spent with her over the past year has been an awesome and enjoyable experience,
and I wish her the best of luck with all of her future endeavours.
There is no doubt that she will be successful at anything she puts her mind to. :)

Mat remained with the two as wonderful company and invaluable help in their time of need.
Selfless and caring, he took the two to their destined destination, and the pizza they gave him
would never be enough to thank him for his friendship. The parting was bitter-sweet
but left on good terms - though the exact time itself is uncertain, the trio knew they would reunite someday.
That time is very much eagerly anticipated.

So it was that the two weary friends
began their journey across the country.
Leaving Victoria felt surreal to both of them
as they admired the beautiful mountains and islands laced in the strait.
Their first stop would be Edmonton, a relatively unfamiliar territory to either of them.
The clouds presented themselves with illuminant grace,
as lightning streaked across the sky and  lit up the fluff in various shades of purple.
It was the first time either of them had ever experienced seeing a thunderstorm in the air.
The effect was mesmerizing.

Edmonton itself was a short but memorable experience,
with oddly designed bathrooms and confusingly timed Tim Hortons hours.
Faced with little options, the travellers chose to wander further down the terminal
and discovered the holy grail of food - a Montana's restaurant lay nestled conveniently next to their gate.
Omelettes and quesadillas were much appreciated in their grumbling bellies,
and in the ambiance of the restaurant they temporarily forgot they were even at an airport.
They'll be back someday, Edmonton. An intriguing location you are, indeed.

They boarded early and sat on their pedestals near the front of the plane,
and there they engaged in some mindless viewing of Teletoons Friday cartoons.
American Dad, Family Guy, Robot Chicken were welcome distractions,
as was The Dating Guy... though that show was incredibly weird.
The pair would doze for around fifteen minutes and skip a short portion of Ontario,
before, in their wakefulness, they would continue the new day as part of their current one.

In the darkness of the night they felt closer to space and the stars that govern them
over the land that dwelled far, far beneath them. The big dipper playfully twisted
over the course of the journey, and with a start they saw the sunrise brightly illuminate the sky
in enthusiastic reds and oranges over the novelistic lands of Nova Scotia.

There they reunited with one's lover and the other's friend,
and with bewilderment have enjoyed a homecoming in lands entirely nostalgic and familiar.

And here the story ends for now, but what shall become of the travellers? What will they do, where will they go?

Only time will tell... and this blog will seek best to document those moments.

Eventually, hopefully, I'll fall asleep. I should not still be awake, but it is so bright, and I'm overtired to the point I'm no longer tired... Ahhhh. :G

So, uh, morning all? Not regular for me to post in the early hours, is it? Hope you all have a great long weekend!