I bet even the most novice of programmers are laughing at this right now. I am a bit of a noob, so I welcome all the humour and self-deprecation.
Oh, speaking of those image buttons, I crafted a quick one for my blog should anybody wish to include mine on theirs:
In order to make use of this fancy button, you're going to need to have added the HTML Editor gadget to your blog, and then you can use this code to get it to work:
<a target='_blank' title='She Who Wanderlusts' href=' http://ladyhood.blogspot.ca/'><img src='http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/7779/shewhowanderlustsaffili.png' border='0'/></a><br>
Learning a new platform to make my blog aesthetically pleasing certainly has been fun so far! Who knew blogging could be so much fun? :)
Well, it is nearing 5am now and I believe it would be smart to head to bed... I have much to do on this Wednesday, and not that much time to get everything done!
Have a great night, all. Hope you're all doing well, wherever (and whenever) you are!
HTML Cheat Sheet ftw!