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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Shopping for Classic Games

Any gamer who has grown up in the eighties or nineties has at one point felt the familiar tingle of nostalgia, inspiring them to relive the classic experiences of their youth. I have certainly been the (fortunate) victim of such motivations many times before, and as a result I have played some games countlessly and others that were only played once I finally got around to playing to completion again. We all know that in the current era it can be incredibly hard to find these retro treasures if you aren't already in possession in them, and most rely on the internet to get their old-school fix. There is also good ol' fashioned garage sale hunting, but the nature of the business leaves much up to spontaneity, and you're never too sure what you're going to find.

Why am I bringing up this topic? Well, I read on IGN today (Source) that Gamestop is planning on tapping into the "Vintage Games" market, and is currently accumulating a collection to potentially distribute in the future. The idea that a current game retail store might dabble into our nostalgic past to make older games accessible is an interesting concept, but I'm not too sure how it will be managed or how much they plan on charging for them. Obviously Gamestop just wants in on what appears to be a profitable and successful market, but what do you think of the potential plan? Are you excited that the games of NES/SNES/N64 (etc) yore might once again be something you can regularly walk into a store to purchase?

I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out - I'd personally love to own some of my old favourites again, so if the opportunity presents itself... I'm all for it. I'm not an online auctioneer purist so I'm all for any method that will add those classics to my collection the fastest. I know of many people who absolutely loathe and detest Gamestop/EB Games, but I'm not one of them.

This game is awesome

The other main point of interest for the day (other than hanging out with some of my best buds from both sides of the country at once <3) is viewing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 (Part 2 we will start watching in a couple of hours) for the first time since it was released in theatres. I still find it to be really enjoyable to watch, and now that I'm not under the influence of expectation due to my love of the books, I found that I could appreciate it a lot more this time. Part 1 still feels like it drags a bit, as it seems more a guided tour of the English countryside with epic helicopter pan-shots than a fully realized plot, but I can't really fault the movie for this because the novel was structured the exact same way and Part 2 was left with the responsibility (and the privilege) of delivering the climax of the series we all came to know and love. Mat and Skye still have yet to see Part 2 (they had never even watched Part 1 before today), so we'll gauge their reactions after we get to viewing it with my roomie Sophia upon her return from work.

Sorry if this entry seems more rambling or less structured or just secretly riddled with errors or something... I'm very tired and don't seem to be firing on all cylinders today. Good enough excuse I hope!

Have a great evening everyone. :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Leaning Tower of Pizza

Never a dull moment on Wednesday! It started off simply enough, having woken up late after staying up as late as I did (you all know that from the previous entry... whoops). Most of it has been spent doing a bit of spring cleaning, cooking, and hanging with my bestie, who everyone knows to be on the top of the tier list. (If you did not previously know this, check out your nearest tier list - Skye is most undoubtedly at the top, and if she's not, your tier list is old and needs to be updated to the August 29th, 2012 "SKYE IS TOP TIER" version.)

More importantly, Wednesdays are known around these parts as 'club day' - also known as the Super Smash Bros. Club at the University of Victoria (UVic), where various peeps come together to play all sorts of awesome games (and the club's namesake, of course). We've got tons of people who play Magic: The Gathering, some come together to play League of Legends exclusively; there are others who play obscure-looking fighting games on the PS3... Whatever floats your boat, it's probably being done here. Personally, when I'm not indulging in kicking everyone's butt at Brawl (unless it's against Rob... then it is my butt that is being kicked), I either partake in playing N64 games with some peeps, browse around/write on my laptop, or on the spare occasion when I bring it, I will play games on my DS Lite. My latest DS obsession is Okamiden, which may or may not have been directly influenced by Chuggaaconroy's recently started Let's Play of it.

Today, though, I engaged in the beautiful act of pizza delivery. As it is the final club meet of the semester, we like to mark the occasion with a celebration of some kind - this time, as the title implies, it's a pizza party! The name of the entry itself is a quote from the Little Caesar's employee who had the fun task of stacking our boxes on the counter. I had an internal giggle fit upon hearing it. I whipped out the camera for the sheer hilarity I saw before me:

Those boxes have nice hair - and eyebrows
Fifteen boxes of beautiful pizza, eleven pepperoni and four cheese. The whole gang is consuming them as I write this. Skye and I took our own bounty of the spoils:


... and proceeded to not finish them because she and I have small shrunken stomachs and we are incapable of consuming two entire boxes of pizza by ourselves. Oops.

Not to be outdone by our morals, though, the tempting offer of cookies proved too great and we consumed a few despite ourselves. I couldn't help it - Chewie was telling us to!

You can't resist this adorable face
There was also a friendly message on the board reminding us that Chewie indeed wanted us to eat his cookies:

That's me longing for the cookies on the left

So now I feel fat and to make things even better... when Skye and I choose to leave at a likely arbitrary time such as 2-3AM, we are going to walk down to Mac's Convenience Store and indulge in some Cherry Kool Aid slushies. Well, it's nearing the end of the summer so we might as well succumb to some indulgences before fall and winter sets in! As the kids are saying nowadays, YOLO, right? =P

Off to play some Okamiden now and maybe chat to some nerds (and get completely lost in what they're discussing, as per the norm); hope you're all enjoying your Wednesday evening/night! 


It took me awhile, but I finally figured out how to get those pesky image buttons above in the alignment I wanted them to be in. The first image naturally hangs out on the left side, which I am completely kosher with, but the others all wanted to be in a second row all over the place! If it wasn't that, the link that directs you to the site would refuse to work, or my code would decide to rewrite itself after I pressed the save button! I was used to very basic HTML functions being written in for me (such as in forums) so to write everything myself took a bit of time.

I bet even the most novice of programmers are laughing at this right now. I am a bit of a noob, so I welcome all the humour and self-deprecation.

Oh, speaking of those image buttons, I crafted a quick one for my blog should anybody wish to include mine on theirs:

In order to make use of this fancy button, you're going to need to have added the HTML Editor gadget to your blog, and then you can use this code to get it to work:

<a target='_blank' title='She Who Wanderlusts' href=''><img src='' border='0'/></a><br>

Learning a new platform to make my blog aesthetically pleasing certainly has been fun so far! Who knew blogging could be so much fun? :)

Well, it is nearing 5am now and I believe it would be smart to head to bed... I have much to do on this Wednesday, and not that much time to get everything done!

Have a great night, all. Hope you're all doing well, wherever (and whenever) you are!


After several months hiatus and not really knowing what to do with this blog after the spring semester was over (as this blog was created as part of a requirement with my FA 245: Arts and Technology I class), the time has come for a much needed reboot!

As a new phase of my life begins, I have decided that I will virtually document my adventures and experiences here on this blog, not only to let my friends and family know what I'm up to on occasion, but as a slightly personal journal of sorts that I can later look back on and marvel at what I may have been up to at any particular moment. Based on my enthusiasm and interest in reading my former entries for class, I can see this being a rewarding idea.

Entries will not ever be specifically themed, but more based on anything that seems important or is on my mind at the time of writing them. Undoubtedly there will be Red Rogues entries, as that is a predominant aspect of my life right now, but there will also be life snippets and other varied interests to share. We'll all find out what those things are when the time comes!

The last few hours have been spent learning how to customize this blogspot page. Backgrounds that are not a preset template require additional CSS code in order to work, and let's just say that I'm not entirely proficient in the language of programming (even for simple lines) and Blogger isn't exactly 100% newbie friendly with its layout. Oh well, got there eventually! It's not the most aesthetically pleasing I could have done (admittedly it's a bit rushed, as I wanted to get something up here without being too nit-picky on the quality), so there may be some changes in the near future in regards to color (what I have at the moment is... erm, unique haha) and certain aspects of the banner (Chibiterasu seems a bit too sharp, maybe that's just me).

Random exciting news moment: my buddy Skye is starting up her own blog! You can view it here at In the future, when I can figure out code a little better, I plan on adding an affiliate button to my page that will directly link to her blog. I really like the name 'The Fictitious Scribber' - very appropriate with what she plans to do with it, from what I've heard! Looking forward to reading some entries!

Not going to ramble too much with this entry, just wanted to oil the machine and get those gears moving, if you know what I mean.

For now, I'm going to leave you all with what I have been listening to for this past little while - I have always adored the Lord of the Rings soundtrack, and someone has seen fit to upload the entire trilogy's music on Youtube for our enjoyment! I've certainly been reminiscing about key scenes and at the same time the music causes my imagination to go wild. You really can't go wrong with the fantasy genre... especially not when it is accompanied with such an epic orchestra.