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Monday, March 19, 2012

I Have Been...

... very naughty concerning how and when I update this. I completely neglected you when Skye came out to visit! I do apologize; I had not seen her since the summer and when you have a limited time to hang out with your best friend... certain things take a higher priority over others. Whoooops.

I do, however, regret nothing.

Nothing at all. :)

In order to incorporate a technological aspect into this entry (besides the simple skill incorporating that image above, of course), I'm going to briefly discuss a fun form of communication that Skye and I have recently been dawdling in.

On the Nintendo 3DS, there is a free software application called Swapnote that allows you to write/draw on the bottom screen and then send those messages to your friends either locally (wirelessly) or over the internet. You can also add photos (which can also be taken by the 3DS' built in camera), voice recordings, stationary backgrounds, and draw in 3D! [Which is an interesting mechanic, to have certain sections popping out of the screen.] Skye and I primarily took advantage of this application to send silly Red Rogues parodies to each other, but now that she's back in Nova Scotia I am also sending over some friendship quips (love all the way from Victoria, naturally) and the obligatory heartfelt messages of woe over having to say farewell. 

Swapnote I would say is the successor to Nintendo's own Pictochat, which lacked the wireless capabilities but still was designed around the same premise of doodling messages with friends. It's actually one of my favourite applications on the 3DS right now - in regards to how much use it gets, I would say it is currently the most accessed on my system. With a hectic schedule I don't have much time to play full fledged games at the moment, but I can always spare a few minutes to doodle with a friend!

Unfortunately I have to head back to reality now and focus on what I would like to call the infamous 'March Landslide' - otherwise known as that time period where absolutely EVERYTHING is due and is assigned at the exact same time. I had managed to buffer the last 11 days by doing all my work for it back in February, but having enjoyed that break I am now back to square one, no longer ahead in my classes. It was nice while it lasted, and worth all the effort it took to provide that 'free time' (as much as one could have while working on three different group projects simultaneously) for her visit. 

Love you and miss you, Skye. We will meet again... hopefully someday soon!

Hope everyone's Monday is going well so far! 

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